Avastin®, used with breast cancer chemotherapy, is now finally banned in Belgium too, by the College for Oncology. Apparently this poisonous drug has no beneficial results but causes side effects, like bleedings, blood clots, stomach and intestine perforations.
On top of that, it costs the patient about 50.000 €. That said Mattias Neyt (KCE) on Belgium Television VRT.
In the US, this drug was banned already in 2011.
So one can ask if this is normal. Using a drug that is poisoning already sick people, while it doesn’t help and even makes them more sick. A known fact for two years. While there are so many natural therapies, that go after the source of cancer.
That seems to be a real demonstration of how things work in mainstream medicine.
As a side-note: this news was read out on national TV by the news anchor Martine Tanghe, who herself suffered from that disease in 2012. What are you thinking now, Martine?