Aspartame (brands: Nutrasweet®, Aminosweet®) or neotame? Several names for artificial sweeteners, but what difference does the name make, since they are all based on the same aspartic acid. Some are even more poisonous than others though.
But after so many bad reports about neurotoxic and immunotoxic health problems with aspartame (E951), they needed another name. Well, Neotame (E961) appears to be even more toxic because it’s “enhanced aspartame”. We can think that easily because it’s between 7.000 and 13.000 times sweeter than table sugar. My sweetness. Sounds healthy? Moreover, the problem with reports is that they are mostly funded by the industry and in case of negative results, funds are often retracted.
Neotame is also used (as Sweetos) to camouflage the taste of “less fresh” animal food, so that cattle is eating it nevertheless.
All these products are in some way made by Monsanto or their divisions, as far as we know.
On top of that, we found that it would be allowed by the USDA to put Neotame into organic food without labeling it! What? If you can confirm this, please let us know in the comments. And what about the EU? Thanks.
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